Le courrier des lectrices : Guadalupe - Arnacoeurs Côte d'Ivoire ©
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22 septembre 2021 3 22 /09 /septembre /2021 10:09


Une tentative d’arnaque qui, heureusement,  se termine bien !




Je suis une victime habitant en Guadeloupe.

J’ai reçu des demandes d’invitation d’un homme qui se dit être d’origine dominicaine

mais résident à Nantes et ingénieur en bâtiment.

Il m’a envoyé beaucoup de photos de vidéos.

Se disant veuf seul et père d’une petite fille de 5 ans.


Le courrier des lectrices : Guadalupe
Le courrier des lectrices : GuadalupeLe courrier des lectrices : Guadalupe


Il a fait des appels vidéo où on voyait bien son visage mais c’était un montage.


Sur le coup j’y ai cru. Ça a duré 2 mois avant qu’il me réclame de l’argent.


Heureusement je ne lui ai rien envoyé mais il a mes photos.

Le courrier des lectrices : Guadalupe
Le courrier des lectrices : Guadalupe

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Romance scammer of Dominican origin is at it again. His new photos mainly are of him maybe one or two of him and the little girl. He is trying to get to France still using the same story but now he is a mechanical engineer. I believe he has been doing this screaming for a while in life. He always has a problem needing financial help! He has several alias names so please readers beware beware beware.
He is definitely at it again trying to scam woman in order to get back to France he is listed on CAVA.FR under about 5 different names and the photos are younger versions of him only one is with the child as a baby. Michel Valet, Love Ball, Christian Berain, Martin Cornet, Andre Caron. He is also listed on Mingles2. Please be aware of this man of Dominican origin that speaks French and maybe other languages from the nearby countries. He is good at this and I believe he’s been scamming for a while in his life. I believe the young girl is a part of the screams along with him. Beware! Beware! Beware
Love scam.. I want to add additional information to the blog on 9/22/2021. A scam attempt that fortunately ended well. I have had a encounter with the same person. The scammer appeared to me in September of 2020. He is of Dominican decent and claimed he lived in Toulouse France. He appeared on Instagram. He is taking care of his daughter stating his wife left him for his best friend and that his mother died 4 years ago. He said he was 40 years of age and that he was a construction engineer. The conversation moved to google Hangouts. He said he worked for himself and that he has done work in Brazil and in Italy. He said his daughter traveled with him because she didn’t like being in a boarding school when he went out of the country to work. I’m October 2020 he said he had a job to do in Gagnoa Ivory Coast. We had a FaceTime call as they were in line to board the plan. We had several FaceTime calls all during that week by Friday he called and said when he went to pay the workers his bank account was locked and he could not pay his workers. This went on for about another month. I helped him with some money to stay at the hotel concerned for the little girl. He had been asking for money every since then. He plays the victim of unfortunate circumstances. He is very cunning and manipulative. I saw this information just by researching him more. He gave the woman from Guadeloupe a alias name and he is listed on Scammers United which is a social media account to make people aware of scammers. He has several alias names for dating sites in France, Ivory Coast and United States. I believe I have his real identity because I required a lot of information from him before I gave the money to stay in the hotel. The same photo that the woman posted I have as well and many more of him and the child. I helped him so the child would be safe but she may be working along with him. This man needs to be STOPPED so I hope this will protect other women from being manipulated by this man. He is nice looking well dressed and will claim he is in love at the drop of a hat. All He WANTS IS MONEY.
Beware beware beware of the Dominican descent romance scammer that’s looking for money and using the word love. He is at it again desperately trying to get back to France anyway possible he is on several dating sites Under alias names. His photos will consist of him being alone the child is no longer with him. He has photos of being between the Ages of 30-55. This Man will financially drain you ladies beware please don’t let the good looks fool you his words are Sweet and smooth and he plays the victim of circumstance for sure. He dresses in high class quality clothes jewelry and not a dime of it was anything of his own hard-working beware ladies beware beware beware he is definitely a romance scammer looking to take your money and break your heart


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